Sunday, April 4, 2010


My father and I share a common bond, (well, more than just one...) and it is a deep love for all things Peeps. So when I came across this recipe I had to share.

This is anything but the standard recipe I usually post here- forgive me for being silly. But seriously- this is hilarious. And I completely intend on doing this either today... or maybe next year. Because I hate sushi- but I have a feeling I would be all for peepshi.

Side Note! I actually made these today! I could not find Fruit by the Foot- where would you even begin to look for that?! Anyway, I used Air Heads- it was a bit harder, but it worked! I also tied a bit of pull apart licorice around it. Looked super great- and certainly got more than a couple chuckles.

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